The purpose of the annual ZAI Scholarship program is to promote the continued education of ZAI’s employees and their immediate families and to recognize those who have demonstrated academic and/or employment excellence. To qualify, applicants must meet the following criteria: (1) be a current ZAI employee or immediate family member (spouse, child, or dependent), (2) […]
Category: Uncategorized
Computers in Libraries
ZAI exhibited at Computers in Libraries (CIL) 2023 in March. We talked to librarians from all over the U.S. and Canada over the three days of the conference. […]
2022 Wrapup
At the end of 2020, we hoped to get back to “normal” in 2021. At the end of 2021, we wrote of the hope of a “better normal” in 2022. As we come to the close of 2022, it seems we are now living a “different normal;” one that may not be as normal as […]
ZAI in the Community
As we have for the past several years, ZAI donated 100 wreaths to Wreaths Across America. These 100 wreaths were among the more than 257,000+ wreaths laid at Arlington National Cemetery on 12/11/22 and 12/17/22. Wreaths Across America has a mission—Remember, Honor, Teach—which is carried out in part by coordinating wreath laying ceremonies on a […]
Employees Receive Award
Helen Mitchell and Cheryl Smith recently received an FDA Office of Operations Innovation and Creativity Award for “determination and creativity, which led to the ongoing success of the sustainability Program through innovative virtual approaches to information sharing.” Congratulations! […]
Employee Receives Honor Award
Congratulations to Stephanie Springs, who recently received a 2022 ORA Honor Award to recognize her accomplishments, which “directly impact the significant public health work we do in ORA.” The certificate she received further specifies that the award is “for innovative use of program resources to significantly improve the FDA Office Establishment Inventory, gaining resource efficiencies […]
ZAI Team Wins Award
One of ZAI’s FDA teams recently received the FDA Center for Tobacco’s Office of Compliance and Enforcement (OCE) award for “Outstanding, sustained collaboration to successfully implement the Relativity eDiscovery to Facilitate Large-Scale Document Review.” Congratulations to Pat Baur and her team: Mark Dovidio, Bruce Gilbert, Jennifer Gomez, Juliati Herwantoro, Becket Lalor, Cheryl Rice, and David […]
ZAI Awards Scholarships
The purpose of the annual ZAI Scholarship program is to promote the continued education of ZAI’s employees and their immediate families and to recognize those who have demonstrated academic and/or employment excellence. To qualify, applicants must meet the following criteria: (1) be a current ZAI employee or immediate family member (spouse, child, or dependent), (2) […]
Congratulations to Rachel James, who, as part of the COVID‐19 Web Collecting and Archiving Group, was recognized at the recent National Library of Medicine (NLM) Honor Awards Ceremony for “outstanding services in collecting and archiving COVID‐19 web resources to preserve the record of COVID‐19 for future research.” The annual ceremony recognizes NLM Government and contractor […]
2021 Wrapup
We were hopeful when writing last year’s review that things would get back to normal this year. The closing paragraph of that summary read, As we hear positive news of vaccines, we look forward to a promising 2021—a year in which we hope to re‐connect, in person, with our co‐workers and return to our worksites; […]