
Team Zimmerman Raises More Than $10,000

Wednesday, June 06, 2018

Through a variety of fundraisers, donations, and a company match, Team Zimmerman Worker Bees raised $10,660 in the months leading up the Relay for Life event on June 2, 2018.
While the event ended up being shortened and held inside due to severe weather, Team Zimmerman still walked the indoor “track” and enjoyed participating in the spirit of the event at Woodson High School in Fairfax, VA.
Relay for Life is the signature fundraising event for the American Cancer Society, and Relay events are held across the country. The money raised will help those in need of treatment, medication, etc., as well as with research into finding a cure.
Thank you, once again, to all who participated in our efforts, whether that was by baking a donation for one of our sales, purchasing food at a sale, purchasing a raffle ticket, making a monetary donation, or actually participating in the Relay for Life event. We would also like to give special thanks to Tim Danehower at The Washington Group and the Chick-Fil-A in Fairfax Circle, VA for failitating one of our most successful fundraisers!