It’s been a busy and successful year for ZAI!
We won several contracts in 2017—some that are re-competes of work we were already doing, and some that are new work.
NIH Library Support Services
NIH National Cancer Institute Technology Transfer Center
Several follow-on task orders under our FDA On-Site RIM IDIQ with BarnAllen (as BZ-JV)
Several new task orders under the FDA CTP IDIQ with BarnAllen (BA-ZAI)
NIH Library of Medicine Collection Maintenance & Reformatting Services
Library of Congress World Digital Library
Library of Congress Microfilm Inventory Project
DOJ Library with Cadence Group
PBGC Call Center
We successfully passed our ISO recertification and CMMI appraisal audits.
We exhibited at the Computers in Libraries (CIL) conference in Arlington and the American Library Association (ALA) conference in Chicago and had some attendees at the Special Libraries Association (SLA) conference in Phoenix, AZ, as well as several other smaller industry association meetings and workshops.
It was also a year of awards and recognition—both group and individual.
The Inter-Library Loan Department at the NIH Library received the Kermit Award, an informal recognition award given by the leadership team to a work group or operational unit whose performance exemplifies the core values of integrity, innovation, service, and excellence at the NIH Library.
The FCC Library was named the FEDLINK Small Federal Library of the Year.
The NASA Goddard Information & Collaboration Center (GIC2) was named the FEDLINK Large Library of the Year.
The FCC Library Team presented at Computers in Libraries and at the Military Libraries Training Workshop.
One of our NIH Library employees was recognized with a Core Value Award for Integrity.
One of our FDA CTP Project Managers was recognized with a Leveraging/Collaboration Award as the leader of the DCC and as part of the DCC SOP Working Group.
One of our employees was voted in as the Vice Chair for the Maryland ILL
The Digital Project Team at the NASA Library won the Management Operations Division (Code 200) Award for Innovation.
One of our Librarians published an article, titled A Librarian’s Role in Improving Rigor in Research—AlzPED: Alzheimer’s Disease Preclinical Efficacy Database—on her work with the NIA AlzPED project
Our USPTO team was featured in USPTO Weekly
We also had fun. On March 3, we celebrated ZAI’s 40th birthday! In April, employees and their guests attended a Washington Nationals game in which the Nationals scored 23 runs and broke several records. In August, the NASA Goddard Library staff hosted some fun events surrounding the solar eclipse. The corporate office and various project sites held pot lucks, holiday parties, and other gatherings throughout the year, as well.
And we gave back to the community. During our Annual Business Meeting in October, we participated in a team-building event that resulted in building 12 children’s bikes that were donated to a local YMCA. In December, we once again donated wreaths to Wreaths Across America. Also in December, we assembled 300 Power Packs on behalf of the food pantry Food For Others to feed elementary-aged children over the weekends when they may not have access to food. At our holiday party, ZAI and BarnAllen employees and their guests donated 10 large boxes of toys for Toys for Tots and brought in another $1300 for Toys for Tots through the sale of raffle tickets to win a very large TV! Various project sites also held food drives, coat drives, and other community service events throughout the year.
Thank you to all of our employees for their part in another successful year at ZAI!